Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Total Opposite
By Kendrick Young

“If you look closely at a word, you'll find it contains its opposite” by Stephanie Gray is a very good poem. It's so weird with what she talks about but very true and it makes you really really think about it. Gray makes you think of the bad in something and then the good in something bad.

In the poem she uses repetition and she talks about a different topic every 4 lines or so. In the poem Gray starts talking about music hearing from lines 1-9. My favorite part of the poem is lines 2-5. Gary states “What part of deaf is hearing. What part of hearing is silence. What part of silence is noise. What part of I don't know is i totally know. What part of I totally know is i don't, really”. It makes you think what is she talking about. If you are deaf you can't hear period so there is no part of hearing anything. You can kind of hear silence because it's very quiet. Then she loses me by describing the i don't know part.

Gray also states in lines 22-23 “ what part of tickets to poetry are roads to nowhere. What part of roads to nowhere are keys to something. What I admire about them lines is how she mentions the road to poetry in a poem. I feel as if a road anywhere is a key to something because a journey anywhere has a destination and your destination impacts your life no matter what. I think that's what she means by that line.

Overall it's a good poem, she really makes you think and try to contradict yourself, because she has a lot of weird but interesting topics.

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